
Miracles in Hindsight 3 of 6

There are some miracles that we are only meant to see as we look back. To know that God was with us all along and has provided a way.


Miracles as Aid Stations 2 of 6

A miracle is something a loving Father in Heaven does for you, that you could not possibly do for yourself. He never leaves us alone. He never leaves us unaided.


Miracles that Shape and Guide 1 of 6

My children are geniuses! A few years ago I was asked to be a presenter and speak on miracles. What is a miracle, are there patterns and a way to discover them? Here's what I learned.

Grief, Trials

5 Things I Did to Help My Grief

Being a widow with six kids. I needed tools in order not to just survive, but for us to thrive. Here are the 5 best things I did to help.


She Searches for You

I love the ending scene in the first Thor movie.  Stranded Thor asks about Jane. Heimdall answers with the words that had me gulping back sobs

Grief, Trials

Does it Get Easier? The Question Most Asked About Grief

When facing this most painful heartache of grief, we ask if enough time passes will the pain lessen, will things get easier, and is there an end.  I could never imagine such a possibility. How could the love and the loss I feel ever change? So what does happen?